
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Storm is coming.....

Wednesday, November 7 - Day 3:  

Yesterday after returning to the hotel, I was in a lot of pain. I tried to rest with not much success.  Then about 1 pm, I was able to drift off to sleep (thank goodness).  I slept for a couple of hours and when I awoke my pain level had diminished a bit.

That night, I was able to sleep for about 3 hours straight -- pretty good for me.

Appointment 9:30 am-  electrodes are being moved slightly around my knee.  Still painful, but it is more tolerable that the past few days.  Wow- twenty minutes into treatment -- the treatment itself it hurting, but I feel absolutely no RSD pain in my knee.  It is so unbelievable.  It is such an odd feeling.  I never thought not feeling RSD pain would be strange. 16 years always feeling a burning, stabbing, throbbing, jabbing pain I guess has become my norm.

Th electrodes on my right shoulder feel awfully strong today though.  Although I came into the office with my shoulder pain greater than it has been for the last few days.

I should mention that a big storm is brewing here.  They are predicting snow, slush, rain and temperatures in the 20's  --- ahhhh!  Why do people choose to live in this freezing ice cube?  I know, I know, I did it for my whole life too - there are beautiful things up here too.

So far, so good.  I am driving Steve to the airport - still calmness in my knee, it is unbelievable.  About 25 minutes into our trip, almost to the airport, Steve says to me "your pain is back, right"  I had not even said a word yet.  He said that he could tell immediately.  Even though I didn't say anything and I was still smiling, talking, my whole body language changed.  So today - I got 25 minutes of post-treatment relief.

Last night, my uncle gave me a snow brush and ice scraper for the car. He told me I will need it.  I have not used one of those for over 7 years!  

Well, my uncle was right.  Not five minutes after I dropped Steve off did it start to flurry.  From flurries right to stick to the ground snow.  I remembered quickly why we moved from New York --- walking in the snow is extremely scary.  My first step out of the car, I almost slipped right down.  My cane slipped right on the wet snow.

I had planned to try and do a few things today, but I just could not risk walking in the snow (again, another reason we had to move south).
So I have a 1,000 piece puzzle , unlimited free coffee and hopefully a good movie to watch back at the hotel.

Tomorrow - my appointment is not until the afternoon.  Hopefully all the snow will have melted by then.

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