
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A somewhat "normal" night...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 - Day 8 of Treatment

Appointment began at 1:30pm

I am back to treatment by myself.  I was a little worried wondering if I would take a step backwards not having someone with me this time.
No, not the case -- Shelby (doctor's assistant) was able to start up the therapy right away and at a higher level than prior days.
Shelby kept turning the intensity up bit by bit.  I was able to much more today and I was not that uncomfortable.

What came next - is outstanding (at least to me).... I remained RSD pain free until I went to sleep.
I even slept for about 4 hours straight!  I woke up for a few hours and then was able to return to sleep.

Strange thing is I am tired - how can that be?  I slept so much better and I am tired.  That does not make sense.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - Day 9 of treatment

Appointment 2:30pm

Doctor is very pleased with my reports of yesterday's results.  He wanted to try to move up the intensity just a bit more today.
I was able to handle it - my knee was jumping a drop but nothing too bad.
Doctor and Shelby both happy with the progress of my therapy today.

I am hoping that the results last even longer.
I have two treatment left, thurs. and fri

I am anxious to return to my home.  I miss my family there.